Unless you've been living under a kettlebell
for the last several years you would have heard of CrossFit. Actually, if you
have been under a kettlebell then chances are you are already part of the
CrossFit CULT movement.
I was first introduced to CrossFit in 2009
through a good mate of mine who also introduced me to Paleo. Five years later
I'm still living the Paleo lifestyle but CrossFit (in the strictest sense) is
not a part of it. This article explains why.
Firstly, let me preface by saying that to my
knowledge there isn't any sound science on CrossFit at this time. That means
that we have to be skeptical about any claims both for and against CrossFit -
ranging from claims that it is either the best form of exercise on earth or the
most likely way to tear a rotator cuff or fry your adrenals. Any claims on
either side are merely conjecture.
This also means that everything I am about to
say is purely anecdotal and completely biased towards my own personal experience.
So before all you CrossFit die-hards out there start bombarding me with ad
hominem attacks let me say this: I don't care if you agree with me or
not. There are some generalizations here and your own experience will
probably differ from mine.
My experience is limited to just a handful of
CrossFit affiliates in Melbourne, London, Miami and New York over a couple of
years. My knowledge of CrossFit and the institution is by no means extensive. I
did, however, learn a lot in my CrossFitting days and I am actually grateful
for all I learned. I have continued to explore the foundations of gymnastics,
Olympic lifting and mobility that I touched on through CrossFit and my training
has benefitted greatly.
I think the original foundations of CrossFit are
sound and if done with proper coaching and appropriate intensty it still
remains the best form of functional training widely available to the public.
However, I think somewhere along the line of
it’s market domination and popularization those solid foundations have been
overshadowed by the “sport” of CrossFit and the overzealousness of CrossFit
We silly humans have a tendency to take a great
new idea or movement and turn it into an uncontrollable monster through our
over-enthusiasm and extremism. It’s a mob mentality where people get swept up
in the movement and caught up in the dogma. It happens with religion. It
happens with politics. It happens with corporations. I believe it is happening
with CrossFit.
The concept that more is better is etched into
our social fabric. Especially here in the USA where we worship competition and
sport, where spectacle is everything, hard work and physical pain are honored
and people strive to push themselves beyond their physical limits.
A lot of my issues with CrossFit are to do with
my perception that it is too intense and too extreme for the average, non-elite
person, and at the dogmatic attitude of CrossFitters in general.
This is my
personal issue. If I were a stronger person who could resist the heat of
competition and use self-restraint to limit my intensity then I probably
wouldn’t have a problem with CrossFit. The problem is, like most humans, I’m
very susceptible to getting swept up in the mob mentality and ingesting the
dogma. Like an alcoholic at a Christmas party I get a little bit carried away
and it seems the best way to avoid a bad outcome is to remove myself from the
I found myself overdoing it in WODs and pushing
myself beyond my capacity for work. Fortunately I didn’t get injured but I’m
pretty sure I would have given how bad my form became when my heart rate
regularly got up over 170bmp in those killer workouts.
In the end I decided it was simply better for
me to take on the foundations and tenets of CrossFit and practice them myself –
free from hype and competition.
I am not here to bash CrossFit or claim that it
is inherently "bad", only to communicate to people why I personally
chose not to do it anymore and why I wouldn't recommend it to most of my
friends. For whatever reason people seem to be very interested in my opinion on
this particular subject, which is why I’m taking the time to write this post.
Ultimately we have to use a "cost versus
benefit" approach to something like CrossFit, running marathons or going
vegan. Either you determine that CrossFit is worth it for you, or it isn’t. And
this can change over time. After a couple of years I determined that CrossFit,
in the traditional sense of training at a box, just wasn’t worth it for me
CrossFit defines itself as "a regimen of
constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity
in a communal environment.”
The types of movements most often practiced in
CrossFit include Olympic lifting (snatch, clean and jerk), rowing (on the
Ergometer), running, calisthenics (push ups, lunges, burpees), barbell weight
training (deadlift, overhead press, squats), kettlebell training and basic
gymnastics (rope climbs, muscle ups, handstands).
Proper programming attempts to schedule various
combinations of the above exercises in seemingly random but planned series so
that you can achieve constant improvement.
CrossFit is about being very good at many modes
of fitness, without necessarily specializing in any.
You are encouraged to train three days on, one
day off (i.e. 23 days a month) and a Paleo diet is sometimes suggested as a
template for nutrition. In reality many hardcore CrossFitters I know eat like
binging pregnant women with fetishes for peanut butter, Ben & Jerry’s and
Oreo’s… sometimes all mixed together!
CrossFit generally consists of one-hour group
classes typically starting with a brief warm up and then some strength training
(e.g. work up to 3-rep-max barbell front squat) and/or skill training (e.g.
learning the progression for handstand push ups).
This is followed by a grueling, high intensity Workout
of the Day (WOD) - typically a circuit of two or more exercises done for rounds
of multiple sets. Everyone completes the WOD simultaneously in a competitive
fashion, typically for time or maximum repetitions.
WODs can be as short as a couple of minutes or
as long as, say, 60 minutes. You are encouraged to
scale the exercises to suit your capability. For example, the prescribed weight
on deadlifts for a WOD may be 155lb for men and 115lb for women. In that sense
a small woman could do better than a big man in certain strength WOD given she
finishes first or does more reps. Likewise, an absolute machine of a CrossFitter
may finish last if he did the full prescribed weight where others scaled by
reducing their weight used.
Either way the underlying goal is to push your
limits to the absolute extreme in order to get the best time or most reps on
the whiteboard, which is often beyond the realm
of reasonable form. It doesn’t have to be this way – proper coaching and
self-restraint should come in here to prevent people from pushing themselves
into risky territory. The problem is that in my experience, proper coaching and
self-restraint are often shrugged aside in the heat of the competition.
Basically, the common perception is that if you
don’t collapse on the floor in a panting mess, throw up, or feel shaky for at
least 30 minutes after the WOD you probably aren’t doing it right. (I’m only
half joking).
At the end of the class your results are
written on a whiteboard for all to see and you can compare yourself to other
members who have worked out that day or to your past performances on the same
WOD. Don’t underestimate the motivational power of the whiteboard.
Sometimes called 'the sport of fitness',
CrossFit has exploded in popularity in the last few years. There are over
10,000 affiliates - or Box gyms - across the world now, with over 35,000
accredited (Level 1) trainers. It's growing so fast that I'm sure these
statistics are already outdated. If you live in a metropolitan city these days
in Australia or America, chances are there is a Box near you.
When I first heard about CrossFit there were
less than five boxes in Melbourne. As of October 2014 there are now this many:
Clearly the movement has caught on Down
1. CrossFit is immensely effective at getting
average, non-elite people to commit to a rigorous, elite training
CrossFit has absolutely nailed the motivational
aspect of training. The combination of the competitive nature, sense of
community and camaraderie, exclusivity (it's expensive) and even the way they
leverage military motifs and dedicate certain WODs to fallen soldiers all comes
together to form a close-knit web of dedication and commitment. It is very
clever really.
And here is where the cult-like devotion of
CrossFitters actually pays dividends. It is difficult to just dip your toes
into Crossfit at a box gym. Damn, if you're paying $200 a month or more you
better be using it!
But more than that, the rigid structure and
accountability make it easy for the undisciplined to get motivated. The often
charismatic coaches yelling support while your fellow CrossFitters cheer you on
to finish that final set give you so much encouragement that it would simply be
rude not to be a committed member of the team. No one wants to let the team
down. Maslow's need for belonging is a strong human desire.
Being a CrossFitter gives you access to an
exclusive club of like-minded individuals who share an experience of overcoming
physical pain, working together, competing and improving. I have no doubt that
the mental toughness gained through physical training can be life-changing for
some individuals.
2. The results are impressive
I was already in reasonably good condition when
I joined CrossFit. I've been consistently training in the gym in many different
modalities for over 15 years. Back in my Army Reserve days I even won the 'Best
at Physical Training' Award in my platoon on graduating recruit training - the
real "boot camp". But I have never felt stronger and fitter than when
I was really focusing on CrossFit.
With the level of volume and intensity that
CrossFit demands the initial strength, mobility, skill and general conditioning
gains are truly remarkable. It is not uncommon to see slight women who walk in
to a box not being able to do a three proper push ups being able to clean and
jerk their bodyweight in less than a year. It is basically impossible to do
CrossFit consistently without seeing vast improvements in CrossFit-specific
"skills" and conditioning.
Most of the CrossFit trainers themselves that
I've come across are insanely ripped and strong. Although being ripped does not
necessarily mean being healthy, as 10 years in the modeling industry has shown
me first hand.
3. The 'sport of fitness' is a global
phenomenon that has some merit
I am a big supporter of anything that gets
people motivated to get moving and improve their lives.
I have many concerns surrounding CrossFit as an
individual practice, which I will cover in detail soon, but as a collective
movement I must admit that it is a step in the right direction.
As one who has studied commerce and economics I
am a big believer in free markets and have a lot of faith in consumer choice.
In this sense CrossFit deserves its stratospheric rise in popularity and
success. There was clearly a gap in the market for an exercise movement for
average people striving for elite fitness and CrossFit fills that gap as the
most accessible form of functional training available today.
The participation in the CrossFit Games has
almost doubled year-on-year. Last year 138,000 competed in the CrossFit open.
Money continues to flow in from sponsors such as Reebok, who were early to jump
on the CF bandwagon. ESPN even picked up the coverage of the Games. This year's
winners, Rich Froning and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, took home a cool $275,000 each for
their superhuman winning performances.
1. CrossFit acts like a cult
If you’re a CrossFit devotee and this
subheading makes you defensive, you are merely proving my point. There is
nothing wrong with exclusive clubs, or even employing a sort of ‘us versus
them’ ethos in order to increase dedication and loyalty to a certain
What makes CrossFit seem like a cult - and I’m
talking here in a relatively benign sense of the word, say, something more
cultish than ‘cult' film but less cultish than Scientology - is that there are
certain dogmas, attitudes and a defensive manner inherent in CrossFit that stem
all the way down to the very core of the institution and possibly to the
founder Greg Glassman himself. The CrossFit juggernaut seems to be quite cagey
about their methodology, very pugnacious towards any criticism or detractors
and it sounds like Glassman has fallen out with many people over the years. But
anyway, I’m not here to talk about individual personalities and hearsay.
What I do hear though, is plenty of dogma
surrounding CrossFit. Dogma is ‘a set of principles laid down by an authority
as an incontrovertible truth’. For example, CrossFit teaches you that efficiency
in a movement is crucial to be able to complete a high volume of work, quickly.
Using this logic, kipping pull-ups, where you use a type of circular (butterfly
kipping) or swinging momentum (kipping) to be able to do far more pull-ups than
you could do with strict form, are the taught as the way to do
And CrossFitters accept this and love it
without really questioning whether it is a best practice. Kipping pull-ups are
a mainstay of CrossFit. When I started CrossFit I could do around 12 strict
pull-ups. After a few months I could do 25 unbroken kipping pull ups. I stopped
doing strict pull ups-all together. Kipping pull-ups were the bomb! Look how
many pull ups I can do now, I thought. Basically I had ingested the dogma that
kipping pull-ups were great and made complete sense and that strict pull ups
were for losers.
I should mention here that some coaches will
still program strict pull ups into strength training but kipping is the
mainstay for most WODs and butterfly kipping is essential to be competitive at
the higher levels of the CrossFit games.
The problem is that kipping pull-ups are a
terrible idea from a sports physiology standpoint, and only make sense in the
realm of CrossFit. The harsh jerking movement at the bottom of the kipping
pull-up - where you have the force of roughly three times your bodyweight
bearing down on your connective tissue - is a dangerous movement for those who
do not have the strength and conditioning on those joints and tendons to be
able to get away with that kind of force (Sommers, 2014).
Sure, gymnasts can safely do movements that
place up to ten times their bodyweight on connective tissue but only after
years of very specific gymnastic strength work.
Anecdotally, shoulder injuries are rife in
CrossFit and it seems that kipping pull-ups are a major culprit. But even
though many CrossFitters realize that kipping is a quirky, initially awkward
and often painful way to do pull-ups, they’ve drank the Cool-Aide and ignore
these gut feelings. I know, I was one of them!
2. CrossFit is "extreme" for the average person
I think CrossFit is an extreme level of
exercise for the average person.
What do I mean by extreme? Well I think that if
you combine the volume (total work
load), frequency (almost daily) and intensity (competition level effort) of
fully committing to CrossFit then this is above and beyond the level of
exercise that THE AVERAGE human needs in order to thrive. Furthermore, by
training beyond their capacity with highly complex motor patterns such as
Olympic lifting some people may be putting themselves at risk of overtraining
and/or injury.
Obviously this is relative. Proper coaching and the self-restraint to limit
volume, frequency or intensity to your personal capacity are of course the
intended means to reduce the risks of overtraining and injury. Yet in my experience
the proper coaching and self-restraint were lacking.
The big caveat in claiming that CrossFit is
“extreme” is that I'm talking about normal people who just want to get fit,
strong and look good naked. If you need to be in superhuman condition for your
job, or if being awesome at CrossFit is really that important to you and it is
worth the risk then that's great - power to you.
But for mere mortals like me and most of my
friends who do (or did) CrossFit we probably don't need to be doing five to six
WODs a week to be fit and healthy.
Some people have the work and recovery capacity
to get away with it. Others don't.
Especially for those who don't have their
lifestyle dialed in with adequate sleep, stress management and good nutrition,
jumping headlong into CrossFit might not be the best way to achieve your
long-term health and happiness goals.
I think the person who can really delve into
CrossFit for the long-term, without overtraining or getting injured is quite
rare. Of course there are probably some people who have been doing CrossFit for
10 years, have never been injured and couldn't live without CrossFit... but
these are probably the outliers.
I know far more people who jumped into CrossFit
for a couple of years and have since turned away from it, either through injury
or just not being able to maintain it with their busy lifestyle. In this sense
I just don't think CrossFit is a sustainable form of exercise for most people
in its current state.
3. CrossFit can be risky
I've been to some fantastic CrossFit boxes
around the world and met some incredibly talented and sensible coaches.
Unfortunately I've also been to some sub-par affiliates and received some
rubbish instruction from people who really aren't qualified to teach any movement
- let along the highly technical nuances of Olympic lifting.
I have since sought out Olympic lifting
coaching from proper Olympic lifting coaches and I absolutely love my Oly
lifting practice but I don't think it is for everyone.
Traditional weightlifting programs in Eastern
Europe and Asia demand years of progression before young athletes are allowed
to even pick up a barbell. CrossFit, on the other hand, often throws people
into the main lifts within just weeks of starting, and in a largely uncontrolled
environment that demands multiple reps for time. It is not uncommon to see classes
of 30+ people with just one or two coaches. I think this is madness. Once
again, proper coaching and programming should prevent this but in my experience
many affiliates are keen to get their clients under the bar as quickly as
If you ask me the risk of completing 30
snatches or 30 clean-and-jerks for time far outweighs any possible benefit of
doing so.
Getting a sedentary adult with no athletic
background and just a few weeks of CrossFit training to perform Olympic lifting
movements in timed workouts is about as irresponsible as giving a person who
has never driven before a Lamborghini and telling them to race five laps
of Nürburgring.
Of course not all affiliates do this and many
have excellent coaches and very good "on-ramp" training schedule for
novices but as a general rule the intensity of CrossFit combined with the
complexity of movements and a competitive environment all feed into a relatively
risky endeavor for your average, non-elite person.
4. CrossFit is probably not optimal for health
and longevity
If you've read a lot of my work here on The
Paleo Model you'll be familiar with my holistic approach to lifestyle and how I
always warn against extremism. When it comes to exercise I think less can be
more. I think the minimal effective dose of exercise is actually quite small
and going too far beyond that is really not necessary and may even hinder
achieving a healthy body composition and overall wellbeing.
High intensity training is fantastic, but not
at high volume and frequency. Intervals, tabatas, sprints and circuits are very effective
ways to train but only as a short, sporadic or acute (hormetic) stress. If done
too much and too often then there is a risk of your training becoming a chronic
stress that may actually do more harm than good.
Just as I think running marathons is not a
great way to get healthy, I don't think doing CrossFit is the best path to
choose if overall health and wellbeing are more important to you than
Athletic performance and health are definitely
correlated, and some training is always better than none, but I think focusing
too much on performance can potentially hinder your health and longevity if you
exceed your capacity to adequately recover and thereby create a state of
chronic systemic inflation.
CrossFit has the potential characteristics –
volume, frequency and intensity – to constitute a regimen that may lead to
overtraining and chronic inflammation.
Chronic systemic inflammation can result in a
host of metabolic issues such as adrenal fatigue, endocrine disfunction, mood
disorders, poor sleep, fatigue, irritability, low libido, chronic infections
and a host of other ailments.
CrossFit is a physically demanding regimen that
is also addictive and dogmatic. When you're swept up in the CrossFit mindset it
is very difficult to take your foot off the gas pedal and take it easy -
especially if you are a competitive type-A personality (like me) who thrives on
punishment and adrenalin. More often than not CrossFit attracts people such as
this and filters out those who can't cut it.
Now please remember that exercise is just one
piece of the puzzle when it comes to a "healthy lifestyle". I believe
that nutrition is more important exercise, as is sleep and
Exercise is extremely important, but it doesn't
need to be extreme. Unless performance is crucial to your job or livelihood
then I really don't think your training should be so extreme that it constitutes
a chronic stressor to your body that could potentially harm your health in the
long term.
I'm not saying that CrossFit constitutes
overtraining or a chronic stress to everyone. As I said some people have the
capacity to train like this, others don't. Some people have the
self-restraint to limit their volume, frequency and intensity to reasonable levels. It is all relative.
As a general rule and erring on the side of
caution, I think that the potential for injury and overtraining in CrossFit for
the average person merely looking to "get in shape and be healthy"
tilts the cost/benefit analysis towards the "probably not worth it"
side of the scales.
This is my opinion. You need to decide for
yourself. But if you do try CrossFit just sip the Cool-Aide... don't skull it!
Always remind yourself that CrossFit is not a religion so please don't preach
to your friends about it incessantly or think less of people who don't
Conversely, if you're a professional athlete,
in the armed forces, a first responder or just really, really want to attain an
elite level of fitness and are willing to put up with the risks then CrossFit
might be great for you. Interestingly, in 2011, the U.S. military, in
conjunction with the American College of Sports Medicine, advised soldiers to
avoid CrossFit, citing "disproportionate musculo-skeletal injury
risk" (Davis, 2013).
Ultimately, (like the U.S. military) I decided
that CrossFit wasn't worth it for me. But I am very grateful for my time in
CrossFit. I met some amazing people, had a lot of fun and learnt a great deal
about my physical limitations.
I saw how CrossFit can really help people – motivating
them and empowering them to take control of their fitness and physicality. But I still believe
that there are other less risky, less dogmatic and more sustainable ways to
approach fitness, which I why I still wouldn’t recommend CrossFit to most of
my friends.
But I’m not a hater! I really loved CrossFit
and I still incorporate many of its methodologies in my training today. My WODs
just don't include kipping pull-ups or snatch reps for time!
PS - If you guys liked this post it would really be great if you shared it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. I do this blog for free because I am passionate about nutrition and fitness and my reward is reaching as many people as possible. Thanks!
PS - If you guys liked this post it would really be great if you shared it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. I do this blog for free because I am passionate about nutrition and fitness and my reward is reaching as many people as possible. Thanks!
Chris Sommers, 2014: The Paleo Solution Podcast
- Episode 213.
Grant Davis, 2013: 'Is CrossFit Killing Us?'
Outside Magazine.
Image Source 1: http://www.team-andro.com/
Image Source 2: http://imgkid.com/crossfit-camille-leblanc-bazinet.shtml
Great post David, my sentiments/experience almost exactly.
ReplyDelete6 days a week for a year at 1.5 hrs a session (inlc warm up/cool down) is 468 hours or 20 full days. It got to the stage where I would rather being outside doing what I loved and not indoors training for it.
I'd never argue against crossfit as being a really great tool, but it would seem that with the rise of the competitions that the tail is wagging the dog.
Thanks for the comment Dave. And thanks for introducing me to CrossFit in the first place! I don't regret my run with CrossFit at all and as I said am really grateful for all I learnt. I just realized that for my purposes (looking good and feeling good) it was too much for me. I think our outdoor WODs with kettle-bells at your place were just about perfect. Do that twice a week with some beach sprints, commuter cycling and odd yoga session thrown in and you'll be in top shape, given your nutrition and sleep are decent. And I don't know about you but I quite like my hands not bleeding from ripped calluses several times a week!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your point of views completely.completely. Crossfit is definitely for fitness but its not for all. It can be risky for many if they are not fit for it. best cross training shoes
ReplyDeleteExcellent article!! I come from a Bodybuilding background and Crossfit to me was something new which I wanted to try because regular workouts were getting to be a bore. I did Crossfit for a month and quit. First, it was too taxing on my heart and I simply couldn't keep up. Second, everyone is so competitive. Hold on we are only doing WODs... TOGETHER. I couldn't stand the crap so I quit.
ReplyDeleteWhat I did learn is basically it is a Circuit type of training which incorporates Olympic lifts. I do such when I do Supersets or Triple sets in my workouts but at least there I can take a breather, Crossfit is non stop bash up till you drop. It really isn't one for those who are just starting out.
And what the heck are Kiplings?!? Looks like a fish right out of the water. I would not do those and so my Coaches would throw a fit and blow air my ass. I could care less.
Im glad IM done with it. The only good part I did enjoy was properly learning how to execute the Olympic lifts. I now incorporate those in my regular training.
I agree with this article wholeheartedly. I love Crossfit, but it left my body broken and was causing more problems than it was worth. My mind was willing but my body couldn't handle it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. Recent studies have debunked the long standing myth that coffee is not good for you as it can cause spikes in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It’s also been said to cause insomnia, stunt growth in growing children and has been linked to dehydration too. See more http://3daysmilitarydiet.com/faq/coffee-during-diet.html
ReplyDeleteDoes Firstly, let me preface by saying that to my knowledge there isn't any sound science on CrossFit at this time. That means that we have to be skeptical about any claims both for and against CrossFit - ranging from claims that it is either the best form of exercise on earth or the most likely way to tear a rotator cuff or fry your adrenals. Any claims on either side are merely conjecture?
ReplyDeleteJoe T. Daniel
I was initially acquainted with CrossFit in 2009 through a decent mate of mine who additionally acquainted me with Paleo. After five years despite everything i'm carrying on with the Paleo way of life however CrossFit (in the strictest sense) is not a piece of it. This article clarifies why.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately way too many people have paired Crossfit with a "Paleo" lifestyle/diet. While Paleo is an effective weight loss strategy, particularly for those who are inactive to moderately active, it's not adequate to fuel athletic performance and therefore doesn't pair well with Crossfit, unless you are only going to train crossfit 2-3X/week. Even still, you will likely see limited improvement in performance and likely peak/plateau fairly quickly.
ReplyDeleteThe exceptions to this would be those that can afford to commit to a significant increase in "Paleo approved" carbohydrate sources. Unfortunately, this is extremely expensive, and requires eating a much higher quantity than people are prepared for.
Interesting take on crossfit. I had a similar experience and still use many of the principals but I didn't like the expense or tadalafil nursing shoulders and back. We had a great oly program and I switched almost entirely to that. Now I don't belong to a box or go to an oly gym as I've moved and had a baby. To do crossfit well, I needed an inordinate amount of time to get to a great gym. Now, I focus more on mobility, calisthenics, weightlifting and a lot of different combinations of cardio exercises that help me mountain bike and ski better. I never get board working out thanks in part to what I learned doing crossfit. I think I would recommend at least a stint with crossfit to most people, but it does take a special kind of dicipline to use it for health and well being and not get caught up in doing it for speed and reps. Doing the technical exercises well can take years of practice for mear mortal so don't expect to head in and do it all right away. I would focus on learning the basics and priciples at the best gym you can find and then decide if it is worth it.
ReplyDeleteUnknownJanuary 11, 2018 at 3:11 AM
I agree. I too am very competitive and consider myself quite athletic. I was 39 at the time I joined a Crossfit box and I loved the workouts. After about a year though my progress reached plateau and in fact I felt myself getting weaker and my endurance fade. I realized I was overtraining and sometimes not Even attending 4 classes a week , although I was riding high miles of mountain bike trails pretty hard in between. I never did injure myself except for a mild case of tendinitis in my elbow and I believe I did some soft tissue damage to my thumbs with hook grips on the barbells. I feel the training is not sustainable or at least not one size fits all, however during the WODS competition and the push for big results can hurt in the long run. I decided prednisone to take Crossfit fundamentals and add them to my own gym routine and saved about 150 dollars a month and feel better. I miss the social aspect but not that much....
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